Friday 22 July 2011


Finally the FOOD FAIR was ended officially. 
It consist of our hard-work for 3 months. ><
I will post more about it later. =)

I would like to post something that I have not been try for the past 10 years.
This really need a big encouragement.
It is actually about haircut.
Really didn't mean to cut until so SHORT!
the hairstylist's fault!
 I wanted this hairstyle since long a ago.
Haha =p

After the haircut, I was like @@.
I really jip shou ng dou ah!!
First time cut until so SHORT!
How I spend my whole day after the haircut?
Keep worrying about it. 
What would others will comment about it and bla bla bla~
 * I din cry ok* 

Everyone saw it and comment that it is ok actually.
What do you think?

Here is it

Side view. Hebe's feel? =p

Front view.

I just need to accept it since I had made the decision to cut it.

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