Saturday 13 August 2011

The Smurfs

Yesterday, I was wondering is there any job available during this semester break. Then, I received an message this morning asking me whether I'm interested with the job or not! Wow! heehehee =)

Went KLCC to collect my free movie tickets -- THE SMURFS.

We managed to snap a picture with the SMURFS mascot. They are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee! One of the mascot blur blur one, dunno where to face the camera! LOL! We also get 1 free photo with the exclusive frame by SONY.

Watched The Reef as my gf wants to watch it. I want to watch planet of the apes lo =( BTW, The movie tickets cost us Rm28! wth! ><

It is based on the true story at Australia >< Sorry to said that the movie was quite bored! It's just about the starring keep swimming in the sea as their boat was broken down in the middle of the big ocean. One of the guys suggested them to swim to the nearest Island. OMG. Swimming in the big big ocean. Kinda scary la when the shark fin appeared around them (there is only one shark in the ocean). They can do nothing but just keep swimming and swimming. == Swim for 1 and hours half then come to THE END. Only one person manage to survive.

That's all for today! S.M.I.L.E =)

Thanks for accompany me! Heee =D

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