Friday 4 November 2011

Internship. (Part 2)

Well, today is my 3rd day of internship. Luckily I got off this week which is yesterday while my 'mummy' don't have off for this week. Lucky me, pity 'mummy'! hee... but she will get her off day on nxt Monday. My off day will be farrrrrrrr farrrrrr away from meeee! ='( It's not surprise that a worker keep wondering which is his/her's off day! :P

Started my work at 10am, that means I will end my work at 6pm. =)) Once reached my working place, I was asked to sweep the floor. This is a job that has to be done by most of the intern. After that, I was involved in the kitchen! Finally something different! I was soooo happyyyy! I dont need to face the crowd as I have phobia ! HAHA! But things do not come as easy as I think. I was in charged in cutting the fruits and vegetables!! IT TOOK ME FOR 4 HOURS!!! My problem? too slow? this is my first time cutting so many things! 2 kg of carrots, oranges and some honeydew. All need to be cut into cube shapes! OMG! I JUST CANT FEEL MY HAND NOWWWW! ><

While cutting halfway, Bella ran into the room and told sir that THERE IS A RAT OUTSIDE! I was like HUH? RAT??????!!!! IN THE RESTAURANT??? All the people ran out just to see the rat!! Besides that, I also saw baby cockroaches in the kitchen!  One of it stick on my newwwww pantttt!!! ISH! >< Back to the rat, sir quickly ran out and rat catching in action! LOL. Rat was catched by sir and dumped into the plastic bag. According to them, the rat is kinda big is size! The rat nowadays was so scary! They do not even scare of human by just running here and there! World is changing! @@

I was soo hungry after the fruit cutting session. So I ate the quarter meal with OR 1/4 chicken, rice, garlic potatoes, fruit salad and a banana muffin! =DDD Food is alwaysss my fav! heeee~

After my break, continue with my work as server. Successfully sold 1 set of I-care bag and I-care box and a I-care box! Heee! Sometimes, I feel that Malays are more friendly than Chinese! They are more nicer and polite.

Arghh! Feel like gonna have sore throat! hate the feeling!! Skip dinner today!!

Time for dramas! Byez!

S.M.I.L.E =))

Pic of the day. ^^

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