Saturday 5 November 2011

Internship. (Part 3)


Just ignore meeee : p

As usual, went to work at 11am. The clock at the shop is faster than usual for 10 mins.. so that's mean I should reach there earlier and end my work earlier..haha!

The manager gave us briefing again. We should greet our customers with all our heart. We should also satisfy them as customers is the biggest and bla bla bla. Again. Nonsense! We should have team work and.............Anyway, we as the 'small' one must obey it no matter how. Life of a worker. =X

Worked as full time server today. Considered as a busy day as there are lots of customers coming during the lunch hours. A special guest came. Someone told me that she is from HQ and the genting's branch had kena from her. So we just have to do our best!

Tik tok tik tok~
Waiting the time to passed. Something happened. There is a customer that take away didn't pay the bill! I'm not sure whether there is a mistake or .......... if true, how dare heeee?! ==

8.30am shift tomorrow! the earliest shift! Gotta sleep early tonight! Pray that I wont kena the 3.30 shift!

Night! =)

Before that, I would like to wish Ms Tan---HAPPY WEDDING. Sorry that I could not attend your wedding dinner. ALL THE BEST IN KUCHING AND STAY HAPPY ALWAYS =DD

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