Wednesday 25 May 2011

20.5.11 aka 520

Finally my babe finished all her exams! She can have a good rest from now on! envy her >< I will need to fight with those assignments and test AGAIN
Now, let's put those things away! I'm going to post about our outing. Hehe. Meet up with my babe and our driver after my FOM class. Thanks the driver for picking me up ya! I know you will seeing this! Haha.. Then, we head on to VIVA HOME.  A new shopping mall. Last time was UE3 if you guys still remember.  Most of the mall is about FURNITURE. This is why they called the mall as HOME
We bought the 5.15pm movie tickets. Before the movie start, we hang around the mall. About the movie, what are we watching? We watching this!


Pretty mermaid Syrena and Philip =)

The movie is awesome! It tooks around 2 hours! However, there are something funny happened when we watching the movie. It's about our dear driver. HAHAHA. Hope you dun mind I say it here =p He POURED the popcorn on my babe because he got FRIGHTEN in the BEGINNING of the movie! Omg. Just cool down la. Dont so gan jiong mah =p Conclusion? Scolded by my babe! LOL

After the movie, we had our dinner at gardens. Our dinner was delicious and I like it! =D Oh yeah! We passed by a pub named OVERTIME. The pub is crowded with people! Hope to go there next time! Hehe.

After posing these food, I feel hungry!@@ Time for dinner! Byez! =D

1 comment:

  1. Yes..I'm reading it..=.= Everyone has their authority to write their blog de..I can't force you not to write the "truth" ..=.=
