Tuesday 31 May 2011


Create this using picnik! www.picnik.com
It's a fun stuff for photo editing :) 
May is over, June will be the brand new month! Phew!! ><
My weekend for the month of June is PACKED! OMG.
This week will be a busy week too!
Food trials, design for the packaging, quiz, assignments and WORK!
My brother is having 2 weeks holidays!
I hope to have holidays too! ><
I was told that I need to take Co-op last week! At first, I dont need to take it. But now, they request me to take it. Wondering why they can change the system as they like huh?! Co-op spoiled all my plans for november-december! haiz!
Maybe Co-op will be a good experience for me?!
No idea~
GTG, night!

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